Diagnostic Disposable PenLight Diagnostic Disposable PenLight

Production Time: 7 Working Days
36 $1.53 each
720 $1.45 each
1440 $1.42 each
2880 $1.41 each
5760 $1.40 each
8640 $1.39 each
$30.00 each
Union Printed, High quality, long lasting "Disposable Diagnostic Penlights" The pre-focused pinpoint lens directly illuminates eyes, ears and throat. Features a strong Metal clip that can be fixed on to your shirt or pocket allowing for easy and convenient access, Activation is made simple by depressing the pocket clip, Manufactured with strong and durable plastic for long time daily usage. A Perfect Give-away Low Cost Promotion, for hospitals, medical stores, emergency services, Etc.

Normal Production Time
7 Working Days

Product Size
5 IN L 0.5 IN Dia

Additional Information
Price Includes Color: 1 color

Price Includes Side: 1 side

Price Includes Location: 1 location

Location 1: Back

Decoration Method: Screen printed

Packaging: Bulk

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